Refusal may indicate a deeper problem


Recently a friend and I were talking. She told me about her mom: she didn’t want to take a shower anymore. Pretty much ever.

My friend, along with her mom’s care team, couldn’t figure it out: she used to enjoy showers, or at least she didn’t mind them. What changed?

What is it that causes someone living with many symptoms of dementia to suddenly refuse to take part in normal, day-to-day activities?


Why is refusal suddenly an issue?

Why might someone experiencing symptoms of dementia begin to refuse to participate in routine activities? Most likely, it’s NOT because she is just stubborn and “won’t do anything.”

Rather, it’s often a matter of communication. Communication becomes much more difficult as dementia progresses; having trouble “finding” words and matching them to their meanings is a hallmark symptom of the syndrome.

But what is meant to be communicated? What is being missed?

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